
Lorenzo Ghiberti, Sacrifice of Isaac c. 1401 - 1403
a) Executed, with Brunelleschi's Sacrifice of Isaac, as part of a competition to do a set of bronze doors for Florence Cathedral Baptistery; This is the winning panel design.
b) God asks Abraham to prove his love by sacrificing his son; Abraham is about to comply when an angel reveals this is only a test and a ram should be sacrificed instead.
c) Gothic quatrefoil pattern; matches panels of another set of Gothic doors already on Florence Baptistery.
d) Influence on the International Gothic style in the gracefulness of gestures and the Gothic sway to the body of Abraham - more in the Sienese style, may have looked more original to the competition judges.
e) Figures separated, greater clarity of vision.
f) Figure of Isaac a quotation from ancient sources.