English 1 Part 4 [Competency Based] (FL) - Lesson 11 Project Assessment - CCFL.CB.LA101.D
ion 12
No, because Fran included original thoughts as well as ones that were paraphrased.
Yes, because Fran did research for the assignment, but did not cite her sources.
Yes, because Fran was probably not supposed to do research for this paper.
No, because Fran did not directly quote another person's work in her paper.
Fran has to write an analysis of a poem for class. She decides to write about the use of figurative language in the poen
To better understand how figurative language is used, she looks up an analysis of the figurative language of the poem
online. When she writes her paper, she does not directly quote any of the information she looked up, but she does
paraphrase some of the ideas. She does not cite her sources because it is not a research-based assignment. Is this
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