The standard heat of combustion of gaseous ethane is listed in Table B.1 as -1559.9 kJ/mol a) In your own words, briefly explain what that means. (Your explanation should mention the reference states used to define the tabulated heats of combustion.) b) Use tabulated heats of formation to verify the given value of AHe c) Calculate the standard heat of the reaction in which ethane is dehydrogenated to form acetylene and hydrogen C2Hi(g) -ยป C2H2(g) 2H2(g) Using (i) tabulated heats of formation and (ii) tabulated heats of combustion (Equation 9.4-1). d) W rite the stoichiometric equations for the combustion reactions of acetylene, hydrogen, and ethane, and use Hess's law to derive the formula you used in Part (c-ii).