Pretend that you are hosting a fancy dinner party and have invited all these individuals to attend. One of the most integral parts in planning a successful dinner party is the seating arrangement. A successful seating arrangement facilitates lively discussion and creates a comfortable, relaxed environment. Your task is to decide the seating chart for your dinner party. Seating can be tricky – make sure you put people sitting next to one another that have a positive relationship and can stand each other for long enough to share a meal.
First, you will create a diagram of your seating chart arrangement. You can choose 2 circular tables or 1 rectangular table.
 Father Miguel Hidalgo
 Marqués de Rubí
 Gil Y’Barbo
 Jose Gutierrez de Lara
 Agustin de Iturbide
 Moses Austin
 Mary Austin Holley
 Erasmo Seguin
 Stephen F. Austin
 Green DeWitt
 Martin De Leon
 Maria Calvillo
 Tamar Morgan