Let A be a set with |A|=n. Determine the cardinality of A³ and the cardinality of (a,b,c) | a,b,c ∈ A and each coordinate is different.
1) |A³| = n³ and |{(a,b,c) | a,b,c ∈ A and each coordinate is different}| = n(n-1)(n-2)
2) |A³| = n³ and |{(a,b,c) | a,b,c ∈ A and each coordinate is different}| = n³
3) |A³| = n³ and |{(a,b,c) | a,b,c ∈ A and each coordinate is different}| = n²
4) |A³| = n³ and |{(a,b,c) | a,b,c ∈ A and each coordinate is different}| = n(n-1)