The community service and outreach committee of Students in Communication was meeting to determine what cause should benefit from their annual fund-raising talent contest. "So," said Mark, "does anyone have any ideas about whose because we should sponsor?" "Well," replied Glenna, "I think we should give it to a group that’s doing literacy work." "Sounds good to me," replied Mark. "My aunt works at the Boardman Center as the literacy coordinator, so why don’t we just adopt them?" asked Glenna. "Gee, I don’t know much about the group," said Reed. "Come on, you know, they help people learn how to read," replied Glenna sarcastically. "Well, I was kind of hoping we’d take a look at sponsoring the local teen runaway centre," offered Angelo. "Listen, if your aunt works at the Boardman Center," commented Leticia, "let’s go with it." "Right," said Pablo, "That’s good enough for me." "Yeah," replied Heather, "let’s do it and get out of here." "I hear what you’re saying, Heather," Mark responded, "I’ve got plenty of other stuff to do." "No disrespect meant to Glenna, but wasn’t the Boardman Center in the news because of questionable use of funds?" countered Angelo. "Do we really know enough about them?"
"OK," said Mark, "enough discussion. I’ve got to get to class. All in favour of the literacy program at the Boardman Center indicate by saying aye. I think we’ve got a majority. Sorry, Angelo—you can’t win them all."
"I wish all meetings went this smoothly," Heather said to Glenna as they left the room. "I mean, that was really a good meeting."
What are the weak areas of group dynamics in the above case?