A 27-year-old man has been experiencing heartburn on and off for approximately 6 years. At this current visit, the patient is also describing symptoms of chest pain, dysphagia, and even early satiety. Because of the persistence of his symptoms despite pharmacologic therapy with both proton pump inhibitors and various histamine blockers, you decide to consult with a local gastroenterologist group. The patient undergoes an endoscopy, with biopsies of tissue. Results of the biopsy show no ulcers and are H. pylori negative; the tissue samples themselves are prominently infused with an abundant amount of eosinophils.

Based on the history and physical exam findings above, what is the most effective pharmaceutical intervention at this time?

A) Oral omeprazole
B) Oral ampicillin
C) Oral cetirizine
D) Fluticasone metered dose inhaler
E) Topical fluconazole