A 32-year-old woman presents with fatigue, pruritus, and yellowing of the white of her eyes. Investigations reveal anti-mitochondrial antibodies and elevated alkaline phosphatase (ALP), γ -glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP) levels. Primary biliary cirrhosis is diagnosed, and she is treated with ursodeoxycholic acid, corticosteroids, and cholestyramine. 1 month later, she returns with abdominal discomfort and constipation. Her symptoms cease when she stops taking cholestyramine. However, the itching is severe when the drug is stopped.

In order to relieve this patient's itching, what drug may be used as an alternative to cholestyramine?

A) Isoniazid
B) Ethambutol
C) Pyrazinamide
D) Streptomycin
E) Rifampin