A 60-year-old man presents with a 6-month history of dysphagia to solids, regurgitation of undigested food, and halitosis. He denies a decrease in appetite, abdominal pain, weight loss, or change in bowel habits. His past medical history is significant for a total hip replacement. His lab work is as follows:
Hemoglobin 14.0 g/dL
Hematocrit 43%
White cell count 6.0 x 109/L
Platelets 300 x 109/L
Sodium 135 mEq/L
Potassium 4.0 mEq/L
Urea 6 mg/dL
Creatinine 0.6 mg/dL
Glucose 98 mg/dL
Chloride 100 mEq/L
HCO3- 25 mEq/L
His liver panel is normal.
The diagnosis can be determined initially by what technique?
A) Barium swallow
B) Esophageal manometry
C) MRI of the head and neck
D) Radionuclide scanning
E) Upper endoscopy