"A 23-year-old man presents with difficulty in walking and frequent falls for the last 3 months. He gives history of occasional alcohol consumption and regular cigarette smoking (6 per day). He also has 3-month history of increased thirst and increased frequency of urine. There is no history of fever, weight loss, and no history of any major illness in the past. He has mild palpitations on walking. On examination, pulse 86/min and blood pressure 130/80mm of Hg are noted. Abdominal, respiratory, and cardiovascular system examination is within normal limits. CNS examination shows nystagmus, loss of fast saccadic eye movements, truncal titubation, absent deep tendon reflexes, and upward plantar reflexes. There is weakness in distal limb muscles and some sensory loss of fine touch and vibrations. He has ataxic gait, but no spasticity. His CBC was within normal limits, blood sugar fasting is 120mg%, and Postprandial is 168 mg%. MRI of brain is normal.
This condition is associated with a defiency of what vitamin?
A) Vitamin A
B) Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
C) Vitamin D
D) Vitamin E
E) Vitamin K"