
Review Questions

1. What is rhetoric and where did the term originate?

2. What is a 'sophism and what is the origin of this word?

3. Explain Aristotle's concept of the artistic proof of the "character of the speaker.

4. Explain the ways a speaker can provoke emotions in their audience.

5. Explain Cicero's concept of 'invention. "
. Critical Thinking Questions

1. Do you agree with Plato that to persuade someone else of something is to fool them? Explain your answer.

2. Do you agree with Aristotle that persuasive speech can be good for society? Explain your answer.

3. How important do you think a public speaker's appearance is?

4. Which, if any, do you think is the most important of Cicero's five canons of rhetoric? Explain your answer.

5. Do you think it's necessary to believe your own argument when delivering a speech? Explain your answer.
