

Discussion Board Prompt:
Character Analysis

One of the skills we have discussed in this course is analyzing works of fiction. In this Discussion Board we are going to analyze a character from one of our unit texts.

The prompts will address one of the following texts:

The Crucible, Act 3, Part 5 by Arthur Miller
“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” Part 2 by Washington Irving

Choose ONE of the prompts below.

-Prompt 1: In this lesson, you read The Crucible, Act 3, Part 5, by Arthur Miller. In this part of The Crucible, John Proctor confesses his infidelity with Abigail. However, his wife, Elizabeth, testifies that her husband remained faithful.

How do you perceive Elizabeth Proctor?
Why do you think Elizabeth lied about her husband’s affair?
Would you do the same as Elizabeth Proctor? Why or why not?

-Prompt 2: In this lesson, you read “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” Part 2, by Washington Irving.

Read this passage about Ichabod Crane:

“From the moment Ichabod laid his eyes upon these regions of delight, the peace of his mind was at an end, and his only study was how to gain the affections of the peerless daughter of Van Tassel.”

What does this passage tell you about Ichabod Crane?
How do you perceive Ichabod Crane?
Do you think Ichabod Crane has good intentions? Why or why not?
Answer the first question or directive found in the prompt you chose..


Write a sentence or two identifying the text, the author, and the character you will analyze. Answer the first question in the prompt. Use a form of the question in your answer.

Next, go directly into the text and find some evidence you can directly quote to support what you just wrote.

Include this evidence in your response. Remember to use in-text citations for this quote, Work Cited for this quote, and the correct punctuation for this quote.

Explain in your own words why the quoted evidence you chose supports your statements.

Next, write a sentence or two that answers the second part of the prompt.

Next, go directly into the text and find some evidence you can directly quote to support your answer to the second question in your prompt.

Include this evidence in your response. Remember to use in-text citations for this quote, Work Cited for this quote, and the correct punctuation for this quote.

Explain in your own words why the quoted evidence you chose supports your statements you wrote.

Finally, conclude your paragraph by writing a sentence or two where you answer the last part of your prompt. Use evidence from the text, if appropriate.