Semester 2: Unit 2 Carbon Cycle
Directions: Please fill out this study guide with the correct answers using your lessons as a source of help. Once completed, you will upload this to your sample work Dropbox for the corresponding unit.

Match the following terms with their definitions:

Hydrosphere, Residence Times, Greenhouse Gasses, Atmosphere, Flux, Biosphere, Photosynthesis, Carbon Sink,


The process by which carbon moves from the atmosphere to the biosphere through a process by which plants use light energy and convert it into biochemical energy

All the water on earth

An area where carbon is stored

The amount of time carbon spends in a particular reservoir

Movement of carbon between reservoirs

Gasses that form a barrier form a barrier for heat to escape Earth’s atmosphere

The collection of gasses that surround the planet and provide breathable air

The area of earth where all living things exist