
This excerpt is taken from a letter written by a father to his son.

"I do not, therefore, so much as hint to you how absolutely dependent you are upon me; that you neither have nor can have a shilling in the world but from me; and that, as I have no womanish weakness for your person, your merit must and will be the only measure of my kindness. I say, I do not hint these things to you, because I am convinced that you will act right upon more noble and generous principles; I mean, for the sake of doing right, and out of affection and gratitude to me."

This excerpt is ironic mainly because the writer

A. inadvertently mentions the recipient's dependence on his generosity and apologizes in advance for withdrawing monetary support
B. is actually dependent upon the recipient for his own welfare but attempts to excuse the fact by blaming it on his own youthful errors
C. claims that all young men are motivated by a desire to do what is right and those that stray from this path should be severely scolded
D. reveals that he is fed up with the recipient's behavior and lack of gratitude and will no longer support him emotionally or monetarily
E. expects the recipient to behave for the sake of doing right but implies that good behavior is expected in exchange for monetary support