PART A: THE INTRODUCTION (Understanding the basics about the problem) Define the term "human rights violation" and state TWO factors (1+ 2) (3) that could contribute to acts of human rights violation in households. (1 + 2) (3) What is meant by the term "Bill of rights" and indicate TWO reasons why discriminatory behaviour in South Africa continues despite the existence of the Bill of rights. rovide communication. 1.1 1.2 1.3 Give TWO examples of services that are provided by (2 + 1) (3) municipalities which are meant to ensure "safe and healthy living environments" to communities and state ONE reason why most South Africans still live under filthy conditions. Explain why it is important for the youth to always ensure cyber- (2X2) (4) safety when they communicate on social media. Clarify why the Bill of rights provides for Section 36 which sets limits to the exercise of all the rights in South Africa. 1.4 1.5 (1x2) (2) Sub-total [15]​