Jenny wants to buy a house in 1 year with her man. She is a nurse and her man works at a market. In total they make about $6000 a month in wages. They want to have a baby together at the end of the year as well. She has about $10,000 saved but knows that isn't enough. Right now they pay $2000 a month for rent at their apartment but have also been offered a room at her mother's house. She owes about $1000 per month in school loans. They have car expenses equaling $800 a month. Their other expenses include eating out at $700, they spend $300 a month on coffee and other drinks, $400 a month on groceries, and $300 a month on clothes. Jenny realized she doesn't really need her man to buy her house, but needs a down payment quick. Usually you need about 20% of the loan but because she is a first time buyer she can get it at 5% down. The house she has her eye on is $600,000. What would you suggest Jenny do to save that $30,000 for her house by next year?