ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, 31/12/2021 Tandani Rial edited Standalone Statement of mal pool Ondrufliquidit 31122021 311.2020 STATEMENT OF FINANCIALIOSION CONSOLMATE AND SEPARATE ASSIS Cash and bank balances at central banks 307,870 192,457 Dne from banks and other money market placements 114,685 94,716 Loans and advances 2,928,115 2,737,453 Islamic financing receivables 160,531 150,409 Investment securities 447,178 342,263 Property, plant and equipment 57,234 59,422 Right-of-use assets 2,658 3,146 Other assets 62,796 52,845 Total assets 4,081,067 3,632,651 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES EQUITY Share Capital 162,595 162,595 Share premium 34,465 34,465 Legal reserve 54,198 54,198 Investments fair valuation reserve (5,246) (9,016) Impairment reserve 10,580 10,580 Retained cumings (accumulated Losses) 183,363 161,911 Perpetual tierl capital securities 115,500 115,500 Total equity 555,455 530,233 LIABILITIES Due to banks 297,729 288,723 Deposits from customers (conventional) 2,773,639 2,367,661 Islamic customers deposit 144,093 159,518 Euro medium term notes liability 192,500 192,500 Current tax liabilities 13.175 9,568 Deferred tax linbilities S11 16 Other liabilities 103,965 84,432 Total liabilities 3,525,612 3.102,418 Total equity and liabilities 4,081,067 3,632,651 Thumusand Omani Riadited Standalone Standalone 01/01/2021-31/12/2021 07/01/2020-31/12/2020 Income Statement - Nature of expenses PROFIT (LOSS) CONSOLIDATED AND SEPARATE CONTINUING OPERATIONS Interest income Interest expense Net Interest income Income from Islamic financing/Investment activities Unrestricted investment account holder's share of profit and profit expense Net Income from Islamie financing and investments Commission and fee income (net) Net Investment income Other operating income (expense) Total operating income Staff expenses General and administrative expense Depreciation and amortisation expense Impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) recognised in profit or loss Total operating expenses Profit (loss) before tax Tax expense (income) Profit (loss) from continuing operations Profit (loss) PROFIT (LOSS), ATTRIBUTABLE TO EARNINGS PER SHARE BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE 165,588 78,560 87,028 9,728 5,174 4,554 18,861 2,140 10.768 123,351 38.885 18,469 6,144 23,985 87,483 35,868 5.591 30,277 30.277 163,191 76,297 86,894 8,935 4,925 4,010 12,940 1,706 11,413 116,963 38,539 18,814 6,473 31.329 95,155 21.808 3,660 18,148 18.148 the following ratios: (15 marks) a. Current Ratio b. Debt to Equity Ratio c. Profit Margin