Again, we don't just blurt out "yes" or "no" because we feel it's right, Nature doesn't care how we feel. Instead, we use a rational procedure, the goodness of fit test, to answer this question. The goodness of fit table for this analysis is given in table 7.3. To get x
we sum the values of the last column, so x
=0.4695. For this analysis the critical value has risen to 7.815, so again our x
value is well below the critical value, and Mendel's theory is supported. In the following procedures, you will test to see if two traits in corn obey Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment. One trait - kernel color - you've already analyzed. The other trait is something you may have noticed - kernel shape. Some kemels are wrinkled and some are round. This is another trait that appears to follow Mendel's first law. Wrinkled kemels have genotype bb and round ones could be either BB or Bb. These corn cobs were produced by double heterozygous corn plants AaBb, with genotype purple/round.4. the critical value is 7.815. do your data support mendel’s theory or not? explain in detail in the space provided. please include your chi square and p values in your explanation.