a. Was there a difference in the distribution of organic compounds among cheeseburger parts? ______
If so, which part of the cheeseburger’s anatomy (bun, meat, cheese) appeared to be missing:
- Carbohydrates (sugars and/or starch) of some kind____________________________________
- Protein ______________________________________________________________________
- Fat _________________________________________________________________________
b. Of the cheeseburger part(s) that contained carbohydrates, what does the presence of starch indicate about the likely origin of that part? ___________________________________________________
c. Which component(s) of the cheeseburger produced a particularly strong signal for the presence of:
- Simple Sugars_________________________________________________________________
- Starch _______________________________________________________________________
- Protein ______________________________________________________________________
What explanation(s) might be offered to explain what these various "strengths" are related to? ____
d. Based on these results, which part of the cheeseburger most likely contributes the most Calories per gram? _________________ Explain your answer. _______________________________________