Reflective Assignment 1 focuses you to think about concepts of identity and ideology as they relate to your values and worldviews. This assignment is completed and marked individually. You must complete Reflective Assignment 1 in order to participate in the group project. Reflective Assignment 2, the first component of the group project requires that you use material from Reflective Assignment 1 and work collaboratively with your assigned group members to identify a compelling topic to study for the final course project. Read the assignment instructions for Reflective Assignment 1 below. Instructions for Reflective Assignment 1 - Individual (15%) : Write a reflection on your identity. Write one paragraph for each of the following questions: 1. How has your sense of who you are been shaped by your environment (social institutions) and various ideological beliefs? Remember, ideological beliefs can include both the ways that you see and understand the world and the dominant narratives about the world that still influence you whether you agree or not. Refer to the ideology chart to be specific about the ideologies that influence you. Finally, consider the next set of questions in your answer: 2. How is your identity connected to characteristics of global citizenship as defined in the text? Identify a social issue that personally concerns you. State why this particular issue is important to you. Why do you see this as a social and not an individual issue? Your answers to these questions need to draw on concepts and ideas from Weeks 1-4 lesson modules and corresponding chapters in the OER textbook. Your submission should not exceed 500 words or one page.