Read the case study "Who Shall Rule" and answer the following questions

1. What education, background, and work history would you want ideal CEO candidates to have? What information would you need to determine their job performance and unit effectiveness over the past three years? What information would you need to determine their potential for the CEO position? What would cause you to recommend that the Board go outside of CSL for the next CEO?

2 What education, background, and work history would you want ideal CHRO candidates to have? What information would you need to determine their job performance and unit effectiveness over the past three years? What information would you need to determine their potential for the CHRO position? What would cause you to recommend that the Board go outside of CSL for the next CHRO?

3 One of the other positions that need to be filled is the president of the Asia-Pacific division. CSL APAC has eight plants located in Japan, Korea, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia. What education, background, and work history would you want ideal candidates for this position to have? What information would you need to determine their job performance and unit effectiveness over the past three years? What information would you need to determine their potential for the division president position? What would cause you to recommend that the Board go outside of CSL for the next division president?