1. i. Force is equal to mass x acceleration and is typically expressed in units of Newtons (kg m s-2). Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. If gravitational acceleration is equal to 9.8 m s-2, then what is the gravitation force experienced by the mass of air in the box in: a. kg m s-2? b. Newtons (N)? (Note: again, this question does not involve a conversion but rather use of an equation.) ii. Pressure is equal to force divided by the area over which the force is applied and is typically expressed in units of Nm-2 (Pa). If the box from the previous questions rests on the Earth's surface, what is the pressure exerted by the gravitational force over the bottom area of the box (16 m2) in: a. N m-2? b. Pa? iii. Pressure on weather maps is usually expressed in units of bars, where one bar (100,000 Pa) approximates the average sea-level pressure (101,325 Pa or approximately 100,000 Pa). Using this and other aids (see appendix), convert 1 mb to Pa.