Step 1: Lab Preparation Resources for this lab are located within the Wiley Plus environment in 5.1.1: Optimization Models and Resources link. Select and view the videos within Wiley. Or you can also review the video here Trend Lines and Regression Analysis Links to an external site. Solver is an add-on to MS Excel. To get Solver added to Excel, go to File --> Select Options from the List --> Select Excel add-ins toward the bottom of the window --> Make sure Solver is checked. Step 2: Create Regression Model Open the MS Excel file titled BIAM110_Week 5_Lab.xlsx.Links to an external site. Save and rename it to include your name. The file contains the numbers you will need for this lab. Pause the video to complete each step in your worksheet. Follow the directions in the video to create a simple regression using the example in the video. Add a trend line.

Step 1 Lab Preparation Resources for this lab are located within the Wiley Plus environment in 511 Optimization Models and Resources link Select and view the vi class=