A block of code that repeats forever is called ______ To keep track of the number of times a particular loop is repeated, one can use a(n) _____ An event controlled loop that is always executed at least once is the _____ An event controlled loop that is not guaranteed to execute at least once is the _____ In the conditional if (++number < 9), the comparison number < 9 is made _____ and number is incremented _____ (Choose first or second for each blank.) In the conditional if (number++ < 9), the comparison number < 9 s made _____ and number is incremented _____ (Choose first or second for each blank.) A loop within a loop is called a ______ To write out the first 12 positive integers and their cubes, one should use a(n) _____ loop. A(n) ______ value is used to indicate the end of a list of values. It can be used to control a while loop. In a nested loop the ______ loop goes through all of its iterations for each iteration of the ______ loop. (Choose inner or outer for each blank.)