Production Point Tons of Grain Cars 0 30 2 28 mo-> 4 6 24 18 10 8 10 0 The table above lists 6 points on the production possibilities frontier for grain and cars, a) If the economy would like to produce b) If the economy would like to produce c) If the economy would like to produce 18 cars and 10 tons of grain, this point 24 cars and 4 tons of grain, this point is: 10 cars and 6 tons of grain, this point is: is: O A. Only Unattainable O A. Only attainable A. Unattainable and efficient OB. Unattainable and efficient OB. Unattainable and efficient OB. Only attainable O C. Attainable and inefficient O c. Unattainable and inefficient O C. Attainable and inefficient OD. Only Inefficient D. Only efficient OD. Only Inefficient O E. Unattainable and inefficient O E. Attainable and inefficient O E. Unattainable and inefficient OF. Attainable and efficient OF Attainable and efficient OF Only Unattainable O G. Only attainable O G. Only Inefficient G. Only efficient OH. Only efficient OH. Only Unattainable OH Attainable and efficient
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