If the ulitity function is: U=155x1 + 132x2 and considering the following bundles: A=(108,153) B=(166,181) C=(113,166) D=(142,128) E=(198,120) How much utility does the consumer get from bundle C?
QUESTION 22 The utility function and the prices are the following: U = 55 x1 + 44 x2 P1=19, P2=71 and 1=1964 What is the optimal amount of x2?
QUESTION 23 Researchers have found that the preferences over cafeteria food take the following form: U= 106 PC + 132 FC-65 PZ 18 Costs - PC= number of pork chops FC= number of fried chicken pieces PZ = number of pizza slices Costs= cost in dollars of lunch Given this information, what is MRS(pork chops, fried chicken)? (hint: this number could be positive or negative so pay atention to the signs)