Suppose the lifelengths in hours of lightbulbs from a manufacturing process are known to be distributed Gamma(2,0), where θ e (0.00) is unknown. A random sample of 27 bulbs was taken and their lifelengths measured with the following data obtained 336.87 2750.71 2199.44 292.99 1835.55 1385.36 2690.52 710.64 2162.01 1856.47 2225.68 3524.23 2618.51 361.68 979.54 2159.18 1908.941397.96 914.41 1548.48 1801.84 1016.16 1666.71 1196.42 1225.68 2422.53 753.24 Determine an approximate 0.90-confidence interval for θ. 6.5.6 Repeat the analysis of Exercise 6.5.5, but this time assume that the lifelengths are distributed Gamma(1, θ). Comment on the differences in the two analyses.