
ABC’ is a lower-income country and has been lagging in various socio-economic development indicators. Even as the world as a whole has experienced rapid economic expansion in past 3- 4 decades, ‘ABC’ has not really kept pace and now strives to make amends for a brighter future. Country hires a globally renowned consultancy services and assume that you are heading the team deputed to undertake a thorough study and advise the planning council, which is the apex think-tank in the country. Council shows you the panel data as given in the Exhibit-1. You are requested to reflect on the following: 1. Identify various problem areas faced by the country. Describe shortly why you consider such problem areas worth deeper analysis and consideration. There might be interrelationships among the issues faces, which should also be pointed out. (8 marks) 2. What advices you would offer to the planning council to address the issues so identified? Please also mention why you think that policies/interventions proposed by you would bear the desired results. All the issues identified by you should be discussed separately. (15 marks) 3. Which public policy decision making model you would use to address the issues and why? Please also mention what additional inputs, if any, would be required by you or the inputs as given are enough for moving ahead?