his module has two assessments: First: A Review about Reinsurance Definition, Advantages, Importance, and Receives Second: Property and casualty insurance can be marketed under different marketing systems Compre the independent agency system with the exchive agency system with respect following a Number of its represented by the agent b. Differences in the payment of commissions • Required Length: 1200 wond (-10%) in tal coading the refence list and tables figures), with about 600 words for each part • Deadline: Saturday 13 June 2022 Suggestions start it ASAP, and don't wait until the last minute to ASSIGNMENT 2 This module has two assessments: First: A Review about Reinsurance. Definition, Advantages, Importance, and Reinsurance Alternatives. Second: Property and casualty insurance can be marketed under different marketing systems. Compare the independent agency system with the exclusive agency system with respect to each of the following: a. Number of insurers represented by the agent. b. Ownership of policy expirations c. Differences in the payment of commissions Required Length: 1200 words (+/-10%) in total (excluding the reference list and tables/figures), with about 600 words for each part. Deadline: Saturday 11 June 2022. • Suggestions: start it ASAP, and don't wait until the last minute to submit.