1. Leadership is setting a direction and motivating others to go in that direction. T/F 2. The most successful leaders are instinctual decision markers.T/F 3. Every good manager can be a leader, but not every leader can be a T good manager. T/F 4. Communicating future vision and engaging people to commit is the meaning of inspiring a shared vision. T/F 5. Effective leadership is a style to balance between individual characteristics and task demands. T/F 6. One of the advantage of situational leadership model is both leader and subodinates are well behaved, responsible, energetic, committed and flexible.. T/F 7. Emotional competencies can be learned through action learning though it would take time. T/F 8. Star performers. display achievement drive, who take calculated risks, support innovation and set challenging goals. 9. Developing long term relationship through personal consideration is one of characteristics of transformational leader more T/F 10. Jack Welch, ex-CEO of GE, is a good example of transactional leaders T/F