1. The European electricity market is dominated by about 10 large generation companies. As- sume that each of these companies has an identical generation portfolio of 1000 MW of capacity each with a marginal cost of $25/MWh. European electricity spot markets have a price cap that cannot go above $1000/MWh. The European competition regulator DG Comp has tested the market shares of each firm in the market and found that each firm (not surprisingly) has a 10% share of the European power market. By traditional anti-trust standards, a market where no firm controls more than 10% of the market is considered very competitive. You are one of the 10 firms in the European power market. Off-peak demand averages about 5500 MW. On-peak demand averages about 9500 MW. (a) Assume the other nine firms act as perfect competitors. Draw your firm's residual demand for the off-peak and on-peak markets.