The Incomplete Thought Directions: The letter below contains some sentence fragments and some complete sentences. Rewrite the story in the space below using only complete sentences. You will need to add words to change some fragments into sentences. You may combine fragments or a sentence and a fragment to make a complete sentence. Circle the five misspelled words. Rewrite each word correctly in the Spelling Box. My dearest love, For one touch of your delicate hand. I could swim the mighty ocean. Your beautiful glowing face. I would climb the highest mountain just to see from afar. Lying on a bed of nails. I would walk over hot coals to here one word from your lovely lips. Whenever I think of you, my love. My heart pounds wildly and my knees grow weak. To be with you now insted of so far away. I can only hope you feel the same way. You waiting and hopping to hear from me. Sitting by the telephone, whileing away the ours. Yours always, Freddy P.S. I'll be over Saturday night to see you. If it doesn't rain. Spelling Box 1234 1. 2. 3. 4.