2. 3. Outline any FIVE effects that may result in people who do not have respect for diversity. (5x2)(10) 2. 4. Discuss roles for each of the following government departments in ensuring Respect for diversity to all. 2. 4. 1. Education 2. 4. 2. Social development 2. 4. 3. Health 2. 4. 4. Sports, Arts and Culture 2. 4. 5. Labour (2x5) (10) 2. 5. Identify and explain TWO services that are there in your community that promote respect for diversity (2x2)(4) 2. 6. With the help of the survey provided, investigate the role of the following in ensuring respect for diversity and give recommendations for your findings 2. 6. 1. Places of Worship 2. 6. 2. Schools 2. 6. 3. Shops 2. 6. 4. Sporting venues 2. 6. 5. Health Centres 2. 6. 6. Government offices (6x3)(18) 2. 7. List and explain THREE places where to find help regarding sexuality and lifestyle choices (3X2)(0) 2. 8. Propose any SIX intervention strategies that the government can utilize to ensure​