ANALOGIES In the space provided, write the letter of the pair of terms or phrases that best complete the analogy shown. An analogy is a relationship between two pairs of words or phrases written as a : b :: c: d. The symbol : is read "is to," and the symbol :: is read "as." 1. demography : populations:: a. ecology: atmosphere b. infant mortality: death rate c. meteorology: weather d. agriculture : farming 2. age structure : population pyramid :: a. exponential growth : population growth b. survivorship: survivorship curve c. fertility rate : replacement level d. population growth increased food production 3. immigration : population increase :: a. migration : population decrease b. emigration : movement out of an area c. migration : movement into an area d. emigration : population decrease 4. preindustrial stage: small, stable population :: a. transitional stage: population explosion b. industrial stage: large, stable population c. transitional stage: low growth rate