For experienced growers only. Yes this is a controversial question and could trigger different opinions and topics but, I'm currently 5'5 age 15 male. My dad is 5'4-5'5, and my mother is 5'2, how tall will I be when I reach 18. Please don't use a height calculator I would just like an analysis. Every morning I wake up early usually get about 7-8 hrs of sleep, and I usually do calisthenics/weightlifting at my room, and then jog for about 30 minutes, and eat breakfast which is my main meal which most of the time considers, beef/chicken and broccoli with a small carton of milk, and 1 hard boiled egg everyday. And for afternoon, and night I eat whatever my parents cooked me. So yeah feel free to be brutally honest to me. Cuz I rather have the harsh truth then the feigning of ignorance.

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