Assume the year is 2018. There is no Coronavirus, and none of your answers should factor it into your analysis for past, present or future trends or solutions.
Next, please answer the following:
Department of Surgery Occupancy Rate Analysis – Initial Assessment Part 1
During CY 2018, Hospital X has an inpatient occupancy rate of 55 percent in surgery, 90 percent in medicine and 90 percent in pediatric services. In the prior fiscal year, the occupancy rate for the surgery department was 70 percent. It is likely that the department could be overstaffed.
East student should assume the role of the Deputy Director of the Hospital’s Budget Department preparing for a budget meeting with the surgery department. You should describe how you would drill down on the surgery occupancy rate, drawing on both the readings and key data discussed in prior classes as well as your own experiences in the healthcare field. List 3 important questions to ask the Chief of Surgery and 3 types of data that you would want produced by the hospital to share with the head of the department at that meeting. Also list 1 piece of data you would review, for comparative purposes, from the pediatrics department.
The information provided to perform a thorough analysis is clearly incomplete. However, in the healthcare workplace when looking at performance by department, we often begin the discussion with limited information. Remember, data starts an informed discussion. Your answer should be well thought-out in terms of what else you will need to begin to put the pieces together. Ask yourself if your answers tie directly to the question.
This component, which is Part 1 of our Surgery Occupancy Rate Analysis, is an individual assignment. In our next class, we will have a guided discussion and I will utilize the answers that you provide as the starting point for our class break-out group work. Please note this is due prior to Class #5 on Tuesday, Jun 21st at 3 PM. Your work will be used to form the starting point of both a group and class discussion.
Part 2, the Final Assessment, is another individual assignment due on Saturday, June 25th. This will provide students with the opportunity to further refine their analysis after benefitting from the guided class discussion. Please note: Any student who received an A in the Initial Assessment does not need to complete Part 2 to receive full credit.