Consider the kitchen example used in the course. You are now the manager of the kitchen. There are 3 bowls, 2 stirrer, and 1 measuring cups in the kitchen. There are 3 chefs working in the kitchen. Chef C1 is holding 2 bowls, 1 cup, and needing 1 stirrer. Chef C2 is holding one bowl, one stirrer, and needing one cup. Chef C3 is holding one stirrer and needing one stirrer.
(i) There will be bad consequences when a deadlock occurs in the kitchen. Your boss is very concerned, and ask you in theory the conditions for deadlock to occur. Explain to your boss using the kitchen as examples.
(ii) Draw a Resource Allocation Graph (RAG) to describe the resource allocation situation outlined above.
(iii) Based on your RAG and discuss if a deadlock has occurred or the situation concerning deadlock.
(iv) You are the manager, and you are responsible for any problem in the kitchen. Suggest one new rule to improve the work efficiency of the chefs.