Think back on a social conformity experience that was significant for you. This should be your own lived experienced that you were part of. This might be an experience related to your internship, groupwork at NEOMA, work for an association, etc. Choose an experience that still intrigues you and that you want to learn more about. This experience should have significant implications for you or your way of thinking. The experience should not be a case studied in the classroom or an illustration from a book or a movie. There are four sections (A-D) to be directly addressed. Section E represent an additional criterion for your teacher to judge your assignment.
A. Concrete Experience. Objectively describe the experience (who, what, when, where, how). This description should make it very clear that you are writing about social conformity.
B. Reflective Observation. Looking back at the experience, what were the intentions of the key actors (including you)?
C. Conceptualization. Relate concepts or theories from the lectures or the assigned readings to the experience. Please apply at least 3 concepts or theories and cite them correctly Explain thoroughly how they apply to your experience.
D. Active Experimentation
What did you learn about social conformity situations from this experience?
What did you learn about yourself?
What action steps will you take to be more effective in the future?