According to Ulrich Beck, "We live in a risk society."
Risk society is "an inescapable structural condition of advanced industrialization."
He explains the risk society in the most straightforward sentence.
"…Everyone is connected…."
"I asked myself what concept would better define our age.
The answer was: risk. Risk touches life itself."
Ulrich Beck – Risk Society 1986
a. What is critical about this theory? Why are we living in a risk
society? Please give examples.
(Please feel free to refer to your assigned companies and how they are
contributing to this risk society. Possible problems that you can refer to
changes according to industry. Here are some examples: fast fashion, pricecutting, unfair competition in the market, crunch culture, hype culture,
outsourcing problems, knowledge hegemony, data society, influencer
culture, cancel culture, technocracy…
b. Why is it essential that we have a macro and micro vision of the