
Sarah is a very good chef and had a long experience in the food industry. Nora wants to partner with Sara and to establish a company to sell cupcakes and cookies to consumers. Sara and Nora signed a contract according to Saudi company law procedures. On the company contract Nora provides a working capital of (SR 200,000) and both parties agreed that Nora share is equal to (50% of the capital). However, after a few months Sarah felt tired and wanted to leave the business, so she told Nora that she had no intention to join her anymore.
according to Saudi law, it is legal for Sara not to pay a capital in money? explain why?
If on the contract, Sara and Nora agreed that Nora is the only one who’s liable in all her own money to cover the company debt. what would be the type of company they need?
How would you classify Sarah’s claim to leave the company? is it right? Why
In case Sara and Nora did not want to register the company or have address for it? Is this acceptable under the Saudi law explain?