The following details of the working of Joseph Brick Works for the year 1998 are given to you for the purpose of ascertaining the profits from the manufacture of bricks. No, of Bricks $. Amount $. Stock on January 1 50,000 3,000 Wages 82,000 Salaries to office staff 10,000 Coke, stores, etc. 50,000 Royalty, rates and other expenses 12,500 Sales 8,00,000 1,20,000 Stock as on Dec.31, 1998 60,000 Bricks spoilt 40,000 Bricks used for construction of a new kiln 6,50,000 Wages costs for manufacture of bricks in 1998 were higher by 10% as compared to 1997, when they amounted to $. 48,000. In 1995, 13.5 lakh bricks were sold, 25,000 bricks were damaged and stock of bricks on 1-1-95 was 2.25 lakhs. $. 20,000 out of stores, wages other than for manufacture of bricks, salaries of $. 2,500, and expenses of $. 6,500 are all related to the construction of the new kiln. You are requested to ascertain the cost of the new kiln.

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