Create a Project called TipCalculator. Refer to instructions in the textbook.
▪ The main activity layout should contain one EditText, three buttons, and one TextView (Figure 3.10).
▪ The first button should be labeled 15% and should take the amount entered in the EditText and calculate 15% of that value.
▪ The second button should be labeled 18% and should take the amount entered in the EditText and calculate 18% of that value.
▪ The third button should be labeled 20% and should take the amount entered in the EditText and calculate 20% of that value.
▪ All the buttons should display the tip and total bill in the TextView with this format: Tip: $99.99, Total Bill: $99.99.
▪ The widgets should be centered horizontally in the screen with the EditText on top, the button below it in a single row, and the TextView below the button