
In the article of Chen and Lan. "There will be killing Collectivitation and death of draft animals. American Economic Journal: Applied Eco- nomics 94 (2017, the number of draft animals was reduced to a great extet following the collectivization movement 1953-1957. In their twin paper "Tractors animal Rural reforms and technology adoption in China Journal of Development Economics (2020), the tractor-plowed ar- as was reduced and then increased, while the number of draft animals was increased after 1978. 16. Which of the following statements is NOT the economic reason of the collectivitation movement during 1953-1957 A. Small households should be unionized became they are scattered. isolated and unable to restrik B. The need to develop scale economy in agricultural sector in onder to support industrialization of the state. C. To integrate the production materials, such as land, animals, capital and laber, so as to improve the production efficiency. D. To facilitate coordination via a unified people's comune 17. Which of the following statements is NOT the reason of inefficiency of collectiviration? A. Farmers joining the cooperatives tend to free-ride on the contribu tion of other farmers B. Without owning land or other amets, the bargaining position of households are weakened, leading to low incentive to protect the col lective at C. The fixed wage or rutal system reduce the incentive of farmers to make more efforts. D. The double marginalization problems between farmers and the co- operatives reduce their incentive of making efforts. 18. Which of the following statements is NOT the economic reason of the efficiency gain in 1976? A. Households have ownership of production materials like tractors and draft animals. B. There is a technological improvement to replace large tractor by small tractors when cultivating fragmented land. C. The people's comme allocates the production roures in a more efficient way. D. Farmers have control rights over land use 19. Which of the following statements is NOT the feature of the rural household responsibility system in China? A. Production and labor decision belongs to hold B. The contracting and management rights of land go to the State C. Land ownership belongs to collective commune. D. The rights to circulate, rent, use and claim income from land go to individual households 20. Which of the following statements is NOT the strategy of rural revi talization for nowadays China? A. To develop scale economy B. To have pleasant living environments C. To improve governance efficiency D. To live instit