Klay and Jaylen have preferences over basketballs (b) and MuscleMilk (m). Klay’s preferences can be described by Uk(bk,mk) = bk^1/5 mk^4/5 and Jaylens’s preferences can be described by Uj(bj,mj) = bj^4/5 mj^1/5 . Klay has an endowment of 10 basketballs and 20 bottles of MuscleMilk while Jaylen has 20 basketballs and 10 bottles of MuscleMilk.
(a) Solve for the contract curve in this economy and plot it in an Edgeworth Box with basketballs on the horizontal axis and Klay’s origin at the bottom right. Once you’ve derived the Edgeworth Box, feel free to use Desmos or another graphic calculator to plot the function.
(b) Solve for the competitive equilibrium price ratio and each individual’s final consumption. Show this outcome and the endowment point in your Edgeworth Box. Which consumer is a net supplier of basketballs? Of MuscleMilk? Reminder: you can choose one good and set that good’s price equal to $1. Generally, it’s easier if you choose the y-axis good, so in this case pm = $1. Then solve for the price of basketballs relative to the price of MuscleMilk.
(c) Verify that the allocation obtained in the competitive equilibrium is on the contract curve by plugging your solutions from part (b) into what you found in part (a). At this competitive equilibrium, what is each consumer’s marginal rate of substitution?
(d) Klay tears a ligament in his knee and is no longer able to enjoy basketballs. Suppose new preferences are summarized by the utility functions Uk = mk for Klay and Uj = min(bj,mj) for Jaylen. Is the original allocation Pareto efficient? Why or why not?