American Crime Story: Impeachment Episode 2 1. Why were the interns sent to work in the West Wing of the White House? 2. Where was Monica living while in D.C.? 3. Who does Monica tell the President kissed her? 4. How long had it been that Monica had heard from Clinton? 5. What did Clinton say when Monica told him she was in love with him? 6. What is Monica waiting for an Election Day? 7. What does Monica tell Linda Tripp during lunch? 8. What does Linda say about Monica and Clinton's relationship? 9. Did Monica go on her trip to Portland? 10. The President's team says that he is immune to lawsuits like Paula's so who/what is stepping in? 11. Ann Coulter says she's what type of Republican? 12. How does Susie "help" Paula? 13. What does Susie say about Paula to the salesgirl? 14. For what event did Monica buy the red dress? 15. Do you think other people that work in the White House suspect what was happening between Bill Clinton and Monica? 16. What gifts did Clinton give Monica? 17. Why did the reporter, Michael Isikoff, reach out to Linda Tripp? 18. What did Linda tell the reporter about his story?