What did 15-year-old Jack invent? Why?

What was the most important lesson the teams learned when participating in the Extreme by Design projects?

What tools did the teams use to learn about the problems they were to solve?

What problem that the team asked to solve in this episode? Why?

Use the five minutes given in the video to write about what you observed as one of the team members, Chris, tried work out a problem.

Think of a time when you heard a story from someone who was unhappy and didn't know what to do. Describe the story. How do you think the person felt in this situation?

Extreme by Design Episode 2: A Real World Challenge

Note: the video asks you to work with a partner. This is not required. Instead, you may wish to take notes throughout the video.

What problem was the team presented with in this episode? What problem might they have thought they should solve if they hadn't listened carefully?

Consider the problem of the migrant worker with traditional mosquito nets. What is the problem statement you came up with?

Think of as many innovative solutions as you can for the migrant worker.

What have you learned about designing solutions? How does this apply to engineering? Think of some engineering solutions that started with a simple problem, and write them down