A transferase enzyme reaction with substrates AX and B and products A and BX follows anunknown reaction mechanism. Experimental data, as shown below in Figure 1, was obtained from a series of experiments to determine the mechanism. (a)Describe in a stepwise way what can be concluded from the three graphs (A-C) respectively, and finally conclude the mechanism. Motivate your conclusions. (12) (b)Write the reaction mechanism (in AX, B, A, BX notation). (2) Vaste/Fixed [Eb] [Bo]3 Vaste/Fixed [Bo] envand [Eb] [Ao]3 A B [AO]2 [Bo]2 [Bo]1 1/[16] 1/[\b] [Ao]1 Z Z MAXO] MAXO] Waste/Fixed [AXo] and [Eb] Вхор [BX]2 с 1[16] D [BX]1