After you’ve thoroughly analyzed the poem, present your analysis in an essay, approximately 300 to 400 words in length. Think of a major claim that you can make about the author’s use of poetic devices to convey the meaning of the poem, the theme of the poem, or the author’s attitude toward the subject of the poem. Include your claim in a thesis statement, and build an argument to support that claim throughout the body of the essay using evidence from the text. The sources used for the essay should be evaluated for both credibility and accuracy and all sources should be cited. See this resource about evaluating information.
Your essay should include these elements:
a thesis statement, including a major claim
your interpretation(s) of the poem
specific textual evidence to support your interpretation and claim
deep analysis (not merely identification) of the author’s use of specific elements in the poem (imagery,
figurative language, connotative diction, structure, and other poetic devices) to prove your claim