
Every​ week, Bob plays the piano for one hour and his grade on each psych test is
80 percent. Last​ week, after playing for one hour​, Bob considered playing for another hour. He decided to play for another hour and cut his study time by one hour. But last​ week, his psych grade fell to 75 percent. Did Bob make his decision on the​ margin?
Bob’s decision was not made at the margin because he ​didn't compare the total benefit and total cost of a first hour of playing the piano.
Bob made his decision at the margin because he considered the benefit and cost of one additional hour of playing the piano.
Bob​'s decision was not made at the margin because the marginal cost of a lower grade always exceeds its marginal benefit.
Bob​'s decision was not made at the margin because he could have chosen not to play the piano but​ didn't.
Bob​'s decision was made at the margin because his grade fell by only 5 percentage points.