Step Instructions Create scenario named Best Case, using Units Sold, Unit Selling Price , and Employee Hourly Wage (use cell references). Enter these values for the scenario: 200, 30, and 15. Create a second scenario named Worst Case, using the same changing cells: Enter these values for the scenario: 100, 25, and 20. Create third scenario named Most Likely, using the same changing cells. Enter these values for the scenario: 150, 25,and 15_ Generate scenario summary report using the cell references for Total Production Cost and Net Prolit: Load the Solver add-in if itis not already loaded Set the objective to calculate the highest Net Profit possible_ Use the units sold as changing variable cells Use the Limitations section of the spreadsheet model to set constraint for raw materlals (The raw materials consumed must be less Ihan Or equal to the raw materials availabl Use cell references t0 set constraints. Set a constralnt for Iabor hours. Use cell references t0 set constralnts Set constraint for maximum productlon capability Units sold (B4) must be less than or equal t0 maximum capabllitv per week (B7) . Use cell relerencos t0 set constraints. Solve the problem. Generate tho Answer Report and Keop Solver Solution.